Elevating Life In a Torah Environment


As the name suggests, ELITE was created to enable the young women of our community to continue their spiritual growth even after leaving the confines of an official classroom setting. Geared to address the needs of different ages and varied interests, ELITE offers a myriad of opportunities both on a social and intellectual level. This includes a number of programs such as weekly/biweekly chaburos given by noted mechanchos in our community, shiurim, panel discussions, Melaveh Malkahs, weekly audio clips of Divrei Chizuk and more! These events are often enhanced by our local Rabbanim and mechanchos as well as world renowned lecturers. One of the ELITE highlights is the annual Shabbos Retreat in a beautiful Hotel. It is a Shabbos filled with inspirational speakers, intriguing forums of discussion, interactive workshops, and an entertaining Melaveh Malkah.


Reaching Inward, Striving & Elevating

Understanding the needs of our growing clientele, ELITE has opened a subdivision called RISEReaching Inward, Striving & Elevating, which offers these opportunities to young women returning from seminary in the past year or two.